Read the New Testament by Easter

January 16-April 17th

Here is a challenge I’m putting out to you, something I’m going to do myself and I’m inviting you to do it too, if it fits the kind of thing you’ve been looking for. And that is to read the entire New Testament between now and Easter. Easter Sunday is on April 17th this year and starting Sunday January 16th that gives you 91 days to complete it.

There are 260 Chapters in the New Testament - So that’s almost 3 chapters per day - It takes about 15-20 mins to read 3 chapters at a time, of course depending on the length of the chapters and how fast you read - Are you up for it?!

We will provide the easy-to-use guide to help you in the process. You can pick one of these up in-person on Sunday morning, or click below to view or download the guide.

What you will get from this? The reward of knowing God’s word and hiding it in your heart! A deeper walk with the Lord - the blessing of wisdom if the knowledge you gain is applied to your life! I also hope that this will really prepare you for a deep and meaningful expression of worship come Easter Sunday! So if you’ve always wanted to read through the New Testament and needed a little incentive to do so, I hope you’ll take up my challenge as we head in to 2022.

-Pastor Rod