Filtering by: Prime Time
Womens Life Group
10:00 AM10:00

Womens Life Group

Starting April 17th and running for 8 weeks. Women of all ages are welcome to join this new Life Group starting up being led by Ofelia Jackson. Women will share a favourite Scripture passage and work through those passages together throughout the following weeks, drawing insight and encouragement from the truth of God's word and fellowship with other women. Enjoy some coffee & tea and time for sharing & prayer. Childcare can be provided if women come who have young children. Bring your bibles!

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Day of Prayer & Fasting
7:00 AM07:00

Day of Prayer & Fasting

Join us for a day of prayer and fasting on May6th. You can choose to participate in this day of prayer however you would like, wherever you find yourself.

As an initiative to increase our dependency on the Spirit, and seeking God to do a transformative work in and through Sardis Fellowship, we set aside the first day of the month to fast and pray. We know not everyone is able to do this in the same way, or to the same degree, so we ask you to consider how you can make this work for you. 

Each month we highlight something to focus on, whether that be in the life of our church family, our local community or world. Sometimes we have specific things for you to pray through and sometimes we just give you the focus and allow God’s Spirit to guide you in your prayer time around that topic. 

If we as a church family want to see the transformative power of God at work in our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and the community we live in, then we need to seek Him in prayer. I trust you’ll join us each month. Pastor Rod Heppell.

May 6th: Prayer and Fasting

In the way that works for you, join us in seeking God on our Day of Prayer and Fasting, asking God to guide and direct our vision for making disciples at Sardis Fellowship. From our new sermon series on connecting with our neighbors to our new discipleship plan for our spiritual journey, we are asking the Holy Spirit to do a work amongst us that would draw all people to know the saving grace of Jesus. Pray for boldness to reach out to our neighbors. Pray for those new to their faith in Jesus to declare it through Baptism. Pray for each person to find a place of community in one of our small groups. Pray for our Sardis Kids and Youth programming. 

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Prayer & Worship Night
6:00 PM18:00

Prayer & Worship Night

  • Sardis Fellowship Baptist Church - Fireside Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a Prayer and Worship night on April 28th from 6-7pm in the Fireside Room.

Our Prayer and Worship night is an opportunity for us to come together to seek God collectively, to work in our midst, to transform our lives, our families, friends, neighbors, our community and world. Please set aside this hour and half to pray together asking God to bring his transformative power to the things we know only He can change.

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Graduation for Freedom Session
6:00 PM18:00

Graduation for Freedom Session

Come out to Central Community Church in Chilliwack to celebrate those who are graduating from Freedom Session, many of whom are from our church! This is a great way to show support to those who have undergone this long journey towards freedom and wholeness in Christ.

Name of Event Contact Person or Bible Study/Small Group Leader: Tim Voth 

Contact Phone Number: 604-799-6633 

Contact Email:

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Prime Time - Guest Speaker & Lunch
11:45 AM11:45

Prime Time - Guest Speaker & Lunch

 Join us after the service on April 21st at 11:45am in the Fireside room.

 Home made lunch $2/person featuring meat and vegetable Spring Rolls, Asian chow mein, cassava, rolls, dessert tea and coffee. Lunch will be followed by a demonstration on how the food was prepared, followed by hymns and an inspirational time lead by Pastor Dave Jackson.

If you have any questions please contact Dianne Darke

Contact Phone Number: (604) 819-4790

Contact Email:

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Free Pancake Breakfast!
8:30 AM08:30

Free Pancake Breakfast!

Come out on April 7th before the service and enjoy a pancake breakfast with our entire church family. This is for all ages to enjoy a simple breakfast before our worship service starts. There is no cost, just come and enjoy the food and fellowship

Name of Event Contact Person or Bible Study/Small Group Leader: Rod Heppell 

Contact Phone Number: 6047938632 

Contact Email:

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Alpha Course!
6:00 PM18:00

Alpha Course!

Join us for 10 weeks of exploration of the Christian faith. Each night begins with a meal together where you get to know the people in your group. After dessert, there is a 30-45min video session covering one of the key ideas of what Christianity is all about, followed by a discussion time where you can share your opinion or ask your questions about the topic. Each evening begins at 6pm and we end at 8:15pm. There is no cost to you for taking the Alpha Course as our church family has sponsored the cost of the evening, we just want you to come and be our guest!

If you would like to attend with a friend, feel free to bring them along!

Starting Tuesday January 9th at 6pm - 8:15pm at Sardis Fellowship Baptist 45187 Wells Road Chilliwack.

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Guest Speakers
10:00 AM10:00

Guest Speakers

Tristan and Lycrecia Klassen and their 3 teenage kids live in Croton BC and work at Camp Qwanoes. Tristan and Lycrecia have an incredible story of how God’ restored their marriage. Come out to the 10am service to hear their story and then stay for a light lunch after the service for a question and answer time in the fireside room.

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Delivering Christmas Hampers
12:00 PM12:00

Delivering Christmas Hampers

Mark your calendars for Wednesday December 20th between 12 to 3pm, as we will be going as a church to Ruth and Naomi's Mission Family Center in downtown Chilliwack to hand out the hampers that were filled with supplies from our tree! Bring a festive dessert and we'll have a time of connection around snacks and warm drinks with people in our community who could benefit from a Christmas hamper. Check our website for a list of what to bring that is most needed. Let's be generous and visible in community! 

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Sardis Primetime Christmas Lunch
12:00 PM12:00

Sardis Primetime Christmas Lunch

  • Sardis Fellowship Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Prime Timers! Stay after the service Sunday, December 17th for a Christmas lunch! Starting from 12pm and going until around 2pm.

There is no cost, we only ask that you bring something to share. You will need to sign up to bring a potluck item, which will include mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, salads, desserts, buns, cranberries, etc. We will provide the turkey, ham, and gravy. Sign up sheets will be available in November 26th. Following this fabulous meal will be entertainment including Christmas carols by Dan and his family, some carols from foreign countries, and maybe other surprises.

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Christmas Potluck
5:30 PM17:30

Christmas Potluck

Come on out for a church wide potluck near Christmas time! Bring whatever food you would like to share with others, whether a salad, a side dish, some chips, or a main course, it's up to you! Let's enjoy a meal together as a church family and enjoy fellowship and some fun together as well. Open for all ages. And don't forget to invite a friend - especially one who might not have a church or community in this season. We hope to see you there! 

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Seminar - Sharing the Gospel
6:00 PM18:00

Seminar - Sharing the Gospel

Pastor Rod is leading a seminar on our new sermon series, “Sharing the Gospel.” Sunday nights from November 5th to the 19th, from 6pm-7pm. We hope to see you there!

Who hasn’t felt the inner tug of the heart to share the good news of Jesus with a friend, family member, co-worker or neighbor? I’m sure we all have. We know the love of Jesus for ourselves and we know he loves our friends too, but we find it hard to talk about Jesus with them. Why is that? If you’d like to talk about this come out to our three part seminar on “developing significant relationships with people far from Jesus” on Nov. 5th, 12th and 19th, from 6-7pm at Sardis Fellowship. We will talk about things like, “What counts as sharing the gospel?” What are the “guts” of the gospel? & “How to have a spiritual conversation with a friend who doesn’t yet know Jesus?” This is all a part of our vision at Sardis Fellowship to be a “loving, just, visible, & transformative presence in our local community.” Centred in Christ, visible in community, transforming our world! To the Glory of God! 


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Christmas Hamper Food Drive!
to Dec 15

Christmas Hamper Food Drive!

  • Sardis Fellowship Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Over the next 4 weeks (November 19 to December 15) let's fill up our "Giving Tree" with food supplies for people in need in our local community.

Then mark your calendars for Wednesday December 20th between 12 to 3pm, as we will be going as a church to Ruth and Naomi's Mission Family Center in downtown Chilliwack to hand out the hampers that were filled with supplies from our tree! Bring a festive dessert and we'll have a time of connection around snacks and warm drinks with people in our community who could benefit from a Christmas hamper. Check our website for a list of what to bring that is most needed. Let's be generous and visible in community! 

Here is a list of some items that you could bring and are in need!

What to bring (in order of most need to least):
Canned meats 
Canned soups
Mr. Noodles
Kraft Dinner
Pasta Sause/Canned Tomatoes
Canned vegetables
Canned Beans
Dry Cereal
Granola Bars
Fruit cups/any snacks for schools
Mens and Womens Razors
Shampoo and Conditioner
Mens and Womans Socks

Address to Ruth and Naomis Mission: 46129 Princess Ave Chilliwack.

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Prime Time Event
3:00 PM15:00

Prime Time Event

Sardis Prime Time - Seniors Ministry

Come on out and hear a guest speaker, Rod Adrian who is an Executive Pastor at Abbotsford Central Church who will be sharing about Understanding Different Generations.

For any questions about the event, please contact Dianne Darke.

604-846-5554 or

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Prime Time/Young Adults
12:00 PM12:00

Prime Time/Young Adults

Prime Time Presents:

Young Adults, join the Primetimers after the service on January 8th for pizza and games!

There will be pizza lunch and dessert that will be followed by board games. Young adults up to 30 years old are welcome. Please no children.

Please contact Dianne Darke for any questions about the event!

Contact Person: Dianne Darke

Contact Phone Number: 604 846 5554 (after December 17) or 602 616 0307 before December 15

Contact Email:

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Sardis Prime Time Potluck Lunch
12:00 PM12:00

Sardis Prime Time Potluck Lunch

  • Sardis Fellowship Baptist Church-Foyer (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Prime Timers is our Seniors ministry at Sardis Fellowship- anyone who is young at heart even though our birth certificate says we are 55 or older is welcome!

You’re invited to join us for a Potluck Lunch in the Church Foyer on June 5th from 12-2pm. We ask that you bring a prepared dish to share. To ensure a good distribution of lunch dishes, please follow this guide to know what to bring.

By Last Name, enough for 8 people:

A-L: Salad
H-N: Casserole
O-Z: Dessert

On each table there will be a question "How has a friend helped during Covid". We would love you to share if possible.

Got questions about the Sardis Prime Time Potluck Lunch? Click below.

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