Sardis Women Bible Study
October 13th, 20th, 27th & November 3rd, 10th, 17th (6 Sessions)
Coffee 9-9:30 AM | Study 9:30-10:30AM
Sardis Fellowship | Fireside Room
Cost: $10 per/person | Sign-Up Required
Leaders: Sardis Women Ministry Team
All women are invited to join us for this fall Bible Study on God’s Unbreakable Promises, from RightNow Media.
“How can you trust that God is good?
With the Bible at our fingertips, we have a story of God’s faithfulness right in front of us to show us one example after another of who God is. In this six-session study, we want to walk you through some of the promises and covenants God made with his people to understand more of the story of God and the big picture of his unfailing love for us.
Through this study, featuring teaching videos from Jennie Allen, Lauren Chandler, and Jada Edwards, you will discover:
The story of God throughout the Bible, and what it means for you now.
That God always keeps his word, even if we don’t.
That God never fails, even when his people do.
God always keeps his promises.”
What will each session look like?
Each session will begin by having coffee and connecting with one another from 9-9:30 a.m., then we will watch the provided video session together and follow with discussion from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
What does the $10 fee cover?
The $10 fee for this study will cover the cost of one God’s Unbreakable Promises Study Guide per person. The guide is a printed out 30 day daily devotional for your personal devotions to go along with the study.
While we will not be collecting fees online, we ask that participants please bring $10 cash to the first session to cover the materials.
Will there be childcare?
Yes, there will be childcare provided. We will have our Preschool classroom open, and children will be all together to play.
However, we could use another hand helping to look after the child. So, if you or your older child/teenager is interested in volunteering to provide childcare for our study, please contact Jasmine Pedersen by clicking below.
Do I need to sign-up?
Yes. For us to get an idea of how many people to expect, and have enough materials prepared, we are asking that women sign-up in advance. That being said, we also welcome drop-ins to our study from week to week.
Daytime doesn’t work for me, will you offer an evening study?
Yes! Our Sardis Women Team plans on facilitating this same study during a weekday evening. Please stay tuned, as we hope to provide details on this in early September.
Have questions about the Sardis Women Bible Study? Click below.