Sardis Women you are invited to join us as we take some time out for ourselves each week to meet with God, connect with other women and dive into the study “Not Alone: A Study on Friendship” by Jennie Allen
Wednesdays | 9:00-10:30AM
April 20th, 27th, May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th and June 1st, 8th (8 weeks)
Coffee and snack 9-9:30AM & Study 9:30-10:30AM
Weekly video and conversation, no homework.
No cost. All materials provided.
Sign-up required, but drop-ins from week to week are welcome.
Please click below to sign-up.
Childcare for preschoolers provided at a cost of $2 per family/per week.
“In the beginning, God created one human. And in God’s sin-free, beautiful world, something wasn’t right. That the human was alone. The creation of Eve isn’t just the story of marriage. It’s also the beginning of community. God exists in trinity and we were made in his image.
We were created for community. And because our Father is generous, he’s given us one of the most essential and life-changing relationships for community: friendship.
In this six-week study Not Alone, join Jennie Allen, Lauren Chandler, and Amena Brown as they talk all about friendship. Find out why we need friendship, discover biblical examples of friendship, and identify the pitfalls, challenges, and joys of friendship. They’ll dive into the tough topics of toxic relationships, boundaries, and how to rebuild broken trust. But most of all, the teachers, real-life stories, and study guides will help you celebrate the encouragement, wisdom, and love that only comes when you’re not alone.”
Questions about Time 4U? Please click below to contact one of the study facilitators.