The Men's Ministry (Men's ConneXion) will be running a Men's Retreat from Friday evening on April 1st, to Sunday afternoon April 3rd at Camp Squeah, near Hope. This weekend will be the culmination of the talks that have been given at our Men's Breakfast's over the course of 2015, and the theme of the retreat will follow the theme of the talks "Becoming a Man After God's Own Heart" given by Dr. Archie Spencer. There will be fellowship, worship, nice accommodations and lots to eat! Those who attended last year's retreat will attest to it being an overall awesome experience.
The weekend (meals and accommodations) will cost approx. $150 per attendee, and a $50 deposit will be taken upon registration.
There are a couple of different ways to register for this men's weekend. Registration will be available between our Sunday services on January 17th and 24th in our Church Foyer. Or, you may contact our Church Office.