When getting to know a church it is possible to simply read everything about the church, but rather than just read about us, we’d love for you to get to know us in person and to discover your next steps together with us! In order to do that join our Sardis 123!

Sardis 1

Our newcomers lunch is one of your first steps here at Sardis. We love to host these once a month because this is a time for you to come and meet our staff and other newcomers and to learn a bit more in depth who we are as a church - what animates and excites us to live for God together. This is a light-hearted, casual environment where you can hear about us and ask questions and discover how we go about ministry. Check our church calendar online to see when the next one is coming up!

Sardis 2

This is where you get to learn about “The Journey.” This is where we talk about how we view discipleship at Sardis and how you can grow in your walk with Jesus. Knowing Jesus and following Him is a journey, one with seasons and stages. Our role is to equip you on that journey by helping you see where you might be at on it, how God has shaped you, and what resources and opportunities might be available to you as you seek to take your next steps with Jesus. Check our church calendar online to see when the next one is coming up!

Sardis 3

This is for those who have been a part of Sardis 1 & 2 and are ready to officially join the team! Here we talk about membership, serving, and leading at Sardis. What would it look like for you to really invest in God’s mission through Sardis? Let us know you’re interested after Sardis 1 & 2 to find out!