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VBS Soccer Camp 2024

  • Sardis Fellowship Baptist Church 45187 Wells Rd Chilliwack, BC, V2R 1H6 Canada (map)


JULY 1-5 | 6:00-8:00PM
KIDS BORN: 2014-2019

This year at VBS we are in the Wonky Candy Lab!

Wally Wonky, Professor Pumpernickel, and the Minions are trying to make the best candy possible, but mistakes keep happening! Will their candy creations be a mess or success?

We can’t wait for Summer 2024 to arrive and see our Sardis Kids out on the field, having fun and learning about Jesus!

What to Expect

Each evening will begin on the field at 6:00 with Team Leaders and Helpers guiding their teams through a variety of simple soccer games in a fun environment. Then, the whole group will head into the Church Sanctuary for “Zone Time”- our indoor program featuring action packed songs with the “Tim Tam Slams”, an episode of our homemade movie containing Bible lessons about God’s love, and more! After “Zone Time” kids will head back to the field for a short discussion time with their teams, and parents can pick up their kids on the field at 8:00pm.

Registration will be done here on our website, with the exception of collecting fees and Parent/Guardian consent, which will be done on the first night.

$45 Registration fee includes: the cost of the camp, t-shirt, soccer ball and wrist band. Kids will need to bring their own water bottles. Each evening they will be provided with a snack. The fees will also cover our wrap-up BBQ for the whole family, which takes place on the Sunday following the camp.

We will be registering up to 160 kids, and these kids will be situated on 3 different fields in 16-18 different teams. Each team will have approximately 7-10 kids and will each be led by a Team Leader and Team Helpers.

Soccer Sunday & Wrap-Up BBQ

Still have questions? Please visit the bottom of this page, where you’ll find some frequently asked questions.


Volunteers are absolutely essential to the operation of VBS Soccer Camp! Volunteer roles are varied, but we know that there is a place for you to serve, no matter the ability. In fact, most of our VBS volunteers come away after the week telling us how fulfilling the week was, and how much fun they had! If you’d like to join our volunteer team this year, click below to find out more.

Take Aim

For kids born in 2013 who are too old to participate in the camp but too young to become a volunteer, we have a special program called “Take Aim”. These kids get to strengthen their leadership skills by assisting in various different areas of the camp each day, while still having a lot of fun! Take Aim has a cost of $20 to cover the cost of the t-shirt.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, parents are welcome to bring a lawn chair and hang out for the evening and watch their kids. Or, kids may be dropped off with their Team Leader on the field and picked up again at 8:00pm.

  • Yes, if you have kids who aren’t participating in the camp, but still want to join in the fun, we will have a “Kid Central” set up on the East side of our property for toddlers, with a bouncy castle, inflatable soccer and crafts.

    Please note: a Parent/Guardian must supervise their children at all times in this area.

  • Yes, and it will take place on Soccer Sunday, July 7th. All the details for Soccer Sunday can be found here.

  • No problem. Please click below to contact Pastor Tim Voth our VBS Director.

Earlier Event: July 1
Sardis Women Monday Coffee Hour
Later Event: July 8
Serving at Ruth & Naomi's